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Rian's 2nd Birthday and Easter 2006

(Created 16 April 2006)

(Starring Rian Joy, Noah, Mommy, and Daddy)

 Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Hi, Grandma and Grandpa.  Rian is sort of busy. See today was her birthday and the Easter Bunny came and visited, she is on a sugar high like no other.  So I will be taking over the story telling this time.


It all started the day before Easter when me and Rian were coloring eggs.  Watch this demonstration from Rian.  Take 1 Egg.


Get some colors.


Make a BIG mess.  It is that easy! If you haven't heard her Easter Egg Song yet check it out. Click Here!


Well, Rian told me about the Easter Bunny and let me in on a little secret.  She said some times he needs help.


We made a plan.  A super secret plan.


Nonie Bunny to the Rescue!


First I took some time to figure out how to make eggs.  Don't worry, Rian told me how.


I played with the egg for a while.


But then it was right back to work.  A Bunny has things to do you know.


In the morning Rian ran out of her room.  She was so excited because she turned 2 and all.  First She played the piano she got from Grandma and Grandpa Campbell.


Then she tried on some play shoes, doesn't she look soooo fancy?


Then she opened a new My Little Pony!


And finally she got a new baby to play with.


Rian got all emotional and wanted to kiss Mommy.


Don't worry Grandma and Grandpa, I wasn't left out the Easter Bunny left me some presents too!


I really liked my Easter Doggie.


Then Rian found some eggs that the Easter Bunny (wink, wink) had hidden.


But Grandma and Grandpa this was only for practice.  The real Easter Egg hunt was later.


See, we went out to our friend Danielle's house.  And there were a lot of kids ready to find some eggs.


Rian had practiced earlier and she was ready.


And off she went. 


There were eggs everywhere.


When it was all said and done she gathered about 45 eggs.  Good Job Rian.


Well, after the egg hunt, we brought out Rian's Birthday Cake. Yummy!


Mommy lit up her special cake and Rian blew out the candle all on her own.


I haven't had the pleasure yet, but Rian tells me cake is good.  One day.


Well, it was a 101° today we are tired.  So bye bye from these two bunnies.  WE love you and look forward to seeing all of you in June.

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